Category Archives: The 2024 Elections

The Constitution Really IS under Attack

James Howard Kunstler (1) Heroes and Villains – by James Howard Kunstler ( and PJ Media WATCH: John Kerry at WEF Literally Calls For End of First Amendment Speech Rights – PJ Media both cover John Kerry’s most recent awful … Continue reading

Posted in Culture, Jurisprudence, The 2024 Elections, The War for America, Uncategorized, Worldview | Leave a comment


A lot has been going on, so this is a catch-up sprint post. It’s ‘Post Debate’ because so many people seem to think the political landscape has changed since the Thursday-night massacre. A lot else happened this week, including the … Continue reading

Posted in Conflict Geography, Jurisprudence, Lawfare, Strategy, The 2024 Elections, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

The National Scourge of False Witness

(Deuteronomy 19: 18-19 King James Version) And the judges shall make diligent inquisition: and, behold, if the witness be a false witness, and hath testified falsely against his brother; Then shall ye do unto him, as he had thought to … Continue reading

Posted in Culture, Jurisprudence, Lawfare, The 2024 Elections, The War for America, Worldview | 2 Comments

The Interior of the Deep State

Today let’s talk about Deb Holland.  She might be the bestest postergirl for what is wrong with America’s government right now. I just spent some irritating minutes watching YouTube videos of not-Democrat senators and congressmen asking her questions. If you … Continue reading

Posted in The 2024 Elections, The War for America, Uncategorized, Worldview | 1 Comment

How We Got Into the War with Russia

This is another post that refers you elsewhere, this time to the estimable James Howard Kunstler The Bad Faith Olympics – by James Howard Kunstler (  I think his is as reasonable and succinct an explanation of how we fell … Continue reading

Posted in Culture, Strategy, The 2024 Elections, Uncategorized, Worldview | 1 Comment

Israeli and World Geography

I offer this small geographic note to any among my legion of fans who might for whatever reason find themselves in a friendly, open, intellectual exchange regarding the country of Israel and its future. I ask that you begin your … Continue reading

Posted in Clausewitz Sucks, Conflict Geography, Conflict Geography, Culture, Geography, Jurisprudence, Lawfare, Strategy, The 2024 Elections, The War for America, Uncategorized, Worldview | 5 Comments

Journalist Schmernalist

The Epoch Times has an article about Steve Baker, journalist arrested for some trumped up somethingorother related to the Jan 6 not-an-insurrection. Steve Baker, on the Jan. 6 Front Lines and in the DOJ’s Crosshairs | The Epoch Times Worth … Continue reading

Posted in Culture, Jurisprudence, Lawfare, Strategy, The 2024 Elections, Uncategorized | 3 Comments

Foreign Forces

Todd Bensman (Center for Immigration Studies, Center for Immigration Studies (  has an article out in Imprimis, a publication of Hillsdale College with which many of you are positively familiar. The title of Bensman’s article is “An Immigration Crisis Beyond … Continue reading

Posted in Conflict Geography, Conflict Geography, Iberoamerica, The 2024 Elections, The War for America, Uncategorized, Worldview | 1 Comment

Tyrant Jewelry

My wife and I just finished binge-watching all of the miniseries The Man in the High Castle. We thought it entertaining and oddly relevant to the current political condition. I have thoughts. One is that I was irritated to see … Continue reading

Posted in Clausewitz Sucks, The 2024 Elections, The War for America, Uncategorized, Worldview | 2 Comments


Joe gave a speech last night and I thought he got through it pretty well, cognitively speaking. The speech writer is no Shakespeare, but even there we need to give some leeway since these things tend to be hierarchical checklists … Continue reading

Posted in Culture, Jurisprudence, Lawfare, The 2024 Elections, The War for America, Uncategorized | 1 Comment