Category Archives: Worldview

PoliSci Sucks

Political Science is a detrimental academic discipline. Many reasons why, so let’s start cataloging the ways. Maybe we can together destroy PoliSci and make every good person who has a PoliSci degree feel ashamed and want desperately to go replace … Continue reading

Posted in Clausewitz Sucks, Culture, The War for America, Worldview | Leave a comment


A lot has been going on, so this is a catch-up sprint post. It’s ‘Post Debate’ because so many people seem to think the political landscape has changed since the Thursday-night massacre. A lot else happened this week, including the … Continue reading

Posted in Conflict Geography, Jurisprudence, Lawfare, Strategy, The 2024 Elections, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

The National Scourge of False Witness

(Deuteronomy 19: 18-19 King James Version) And the judges shall make diligent inquisition: and, behold, if the witness be a false witness, and hath testified falsely against his brother; Then shall ye do unto him, as he had thought to … Continue reading

Posted in Culture, Jurisprudence, Lawfare, The 2024 Elections, The War for America, Worldview | 2 Comments

Sieg Heil

OK, today we need to give Volodymyr a new title as he is evidently no longer President, but something else under martial law. I’m going with Obergruppenführer Zelensky. Too much rank? Wrong language?

Posted in Clausewitz Sucks, Jurisprudence, Strategy, Worldview | 1 Comment

They Have a Council You Say?

Here’s a headline from ‘Natural News” aggregated in Citizen Free Press — Ukraine Petitions Council of Europe to Cancel Elections, Suspend Human Rights Protections in Order to “Stop Russia” Folks, I can’t help but think that this suspension of rights … Continue reading

Posted in Conflict Geography, Conflict Geography, Culture, Geography, Jurisprudence, Lawfare, Strategy, Uncategorized, Worldview | 1 Comment

The Interior of the Deep State

Today let’s talk about Deb Holland.  She might be the bestest postergirl for what is wrong with America’s government right now. I just spent some irritating minutes watching YouTube videos of not-Democrat senators and congressmen asking her questions. If you … Continue reading

Posted in The 2024 Elections, The War for America, Uncategorized, Worldview | 1 Comment


I decided to make another comment at Willie OAM’s site. Here below is that comment in full: “Willie, at around the 19- or 20-minute mark you talk about how the US won’t pull out of NATO. You had also talked … Continue reading

Posted in Clausewitz Sucks, Conflict Geography, Conflict Geography, Geography, Strategy, The War for America, Worldview | 7 Comments

Solve Your Homeless ‘Crisis’

Here’s how to do it in your community, county, state. (You’re welcome.)

Posted in Conflict Geography, Conflict Geography, Culture, Geography, Property, Worldview | 5 Comments

How We Got Into the War with Russia

This is another post that refers you elsewhere, this time to the estimable James Howard Kunstler The Bad Faith Olympics – by James Howard Kunstler (  I think his is as reasonable and succinct an explanation of how we fell … Continue reading

Posted in Culture, Strategy, The 2024 Elections, Uncategorized, Worldview | 1 Comment


Yup, that word was used today in the lead article at Ace of Spades HQ (Ace of Spades HQ ( in ‘The Morning Rant’ of 23 April by J.J. Sefton.  We are obliged to normalize-mainstream the term. It means good … Continue reading

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