Author Archives: Carlos Arenas

The Cuban Empire

A brilliant friend of mine had been asking me to comment on the Cuban Empire and how it’s part of the nine-head monster that Demarest writes of in On Multiform War. Demarest didn’t describe it as such in that work, … Continue reading

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Foreign Forces

Todd Bensman (Center for Immigration Studies, Center for Immigration Studies (  has an article out in Imprimis, a publication of Hillsdale College with which many of you are positively familiar. The title of Bensman’s article is “An Immigration Crisis Beyond … Continue reading

Posted in Conflict Geography, Conflict Geography, Iberoamerica, The 2024 Elections, The War for America, Uncategorized, Worldview | 1 Comment


There was never any intellectual resistance among progressives to adopting the magical-realism style in fictional literature to political propaganda. The unstable but effective competitive advantage of narrative over accurate depiction invites progressives to favor even the most improbable untruths. That … Continue reading

Posted in Strategy, The War for America, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

German Generals?

Really? We get to hear what German generals are saying in secret? That’s interesting as all hack, if true. (see what I did there?) Doesn’t sound good for the Ukes, but hardly anything does these days. Beyond that is a … Continue reading

Posted in Strategy, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

American Ukraine Propaganda

A 16 February 2024 headline from the The Babylon Bee spoofs, “Congress Warns If We Don’t Keep Sending Billions To Ukraine, The War Might End.”  Funny, except not. Like so many Babylon Bee headlines, the truth is worse than the … Continue reading

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Graham Allison has Thoughts about Ukraine

A good friend sent me an article about the Ukraine written by Graham Allison that the latter recently published in ‘National Interest.”  Here is the link What Americans Owe Ukraine | The National Interest My friend evidently liked the article. … Continue reading

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Ukrainian Mobilization

I started a chat with ChatGPT today. Here is how it went. Me: “In 1914, France had about the same population as Ukraine has today. The French army in 1914 had over 4 million men in it. How were the … Continue reading

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I’m all about seeing Holmes give this another push, and admit that I’m not using my real name, either.  In fact, I took it from another guy whose real name it wasn’t.  Anyway, I resolve for the New Year to … Continue reading

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Trump so far

I see there has not been much traffic here of late.  I hope that will change before long.  I figured  I would just poke the group with my opinion here.  So far, this new presidency seems to be off to … Continue reading

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Today some Cubans are going to have a funeral ceremony for Fidel Castro, so it is as good a time as any to reflect and express.  Fidel’s death comes at the end of the Obama presidency, so I’m thinking positively … Continue reading

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