Today let’s talk about Deb Holland. She might be the bestest postergirl for what is wrong with America’s government right now. I just spent some irritating minutes watching YouTube videos of not-Democrat senators and congressmen asking her questions. If you want a quick political adrenaloutrage rush thing, this little series should do it.
As an aside, I want to go off in a direction suggested by the last of the above three vids — the plight of American Indian tribes and depredation of tribal lands brought by international drug cartels (presently of mostly Mexican ownership identity). The considerable deterioration in material life brought to the reservations by drug cartels is a byproduct of the Democrat open border policy, to include not only the huge increase in cartel footsoldier numbers, but also the impunity that Democratic Party structures directly and indirectly afford the cartels. It is another depressing and maddening shame brought to us by that collaboration of criminals. That said, I want to highlight an interesting more-than-detail regarding the nature of property ownership. It is something I saw in government-run land tenure systems and reform attempts in Mexico, Honduras, Colombia and other places in Latin America. Like the United States and Canada, the Iberoamerican countries are home to large indigenous landholdings. Summarizing mightily here, it turns out that socialist political parties, drug gangs and hybrids of the two greatly favor traditional centralized tribal leadership schemes over the privatization and particularization of land ownership. The former format keeps the vast majority of tribal populations powerless. Moreover, it presents to criminal organizations infinitely smaller tribal leadership target groups to bribe and blackmail. When we remember that there are a lot of bad people, and then we key in on the significance of planned impunity in their modus operandi, we again see why disperse property ownership is likely to correlate with liberty.
The up-to-30K-per-day Undocumented US Government Teat Suckers (soon to be Dem voters) crossing the southern frontier are not only a challenge to Native Americans but to the inner cities such as Chicago. A perverse Federal “gentrification” program is pouring money into municipal coffers to assist the illegals, and the rush to get the dough pushes the local governments to incentivize slum lords to push out their poor and replace them with the border-crossers in order to get much higher rent subsidies. And the Indian reservation lands have already been abused by the Federal government, in the form of nuclear waste disposal sites, and their use by Deep State black programs, as the reservations are not technically US territory, ergo, things can be done there that cannot legally be done somewhere else in CONUS. One wonders what horrors may have taken place in our Trust Territories. One I know of.