Category Archives: The War for America

The Constitution Really IS under Attack

James Howard Kunstler (1) Heroes and Villains – by James Howard Kunstler ( and PJ Media WATCH: John Kerry at WEF Literally Calls For End of First Amendment Speech Rights – PJ Media both cover John Kerry’s most recent awful … Continue reading

Posted in Culture, Jurisprudence, The 2024 Elections, The War for America, Uncategorized, Worldview | Leave a comment

PoliSci Sucks

Political Science is a detrimental academic discipline. Many reasons why, so let’s start cataloging the ways. Maybe we can together destroy PoliSci and make every good person who has a PoliSci degree feel ashamed and want desperately to go replace … Continue reading

Posted in Clausewitz Sucks, Culture, The War for America, Worldview | Leave a comment

The National Scourge of False Witness

(Deuteronomy 19: 18-19 King James Version) And the judges shall make diligent inquisition: and, behold, if the witness be a false witness, and hath testified falsely against his brother; Then shall ye do unto him, as he had thought to … Continue reading

Posted in Culture, Jurisprudence, Lawfare, The 2024 Elections, The War for America, Worldview | 2 Comments

The Interior of the Deep State

Today let’s talk about Deb Holland.  She might be the bestest postergirl for what is wrong with America’s government right now. I just spent some irritating minutes watching YouTube videos of not-Democrat senators and congressmen asking her questions. If you … Continue reading

Posted in The 2024 Elections, The War for America, Uncategorized, Worldview | 1 Comment


I decided to make another comment at Willie OAM’s site. Here below is that comment in full: “Willie, at around the 19- or 20-minute mark you talk about how the US won’t pull out of NATO. You had also talked … Continue reading

Posted in Clausewitz Sucks, Conflict Geography, Conflict Geography, Geography, Strategy, The War for America, Worldview | 7 Comments


Yup, that word was used today in the lead article at Ace of Spades HQ (Ace of Spades HQ ( in ‘The Morning Rant’ of 23 April by J.J. Sefton.  We are obliged to normalize-mainstream the term. It means good … Continue reading

Posted in Culture, The War for America, Uncategorized, Worldview | Leave a comment

Don’t Be a Climate Denier

Don’t let them label you a skeptic, either. That’s just another syntactical ploy to steer away from the truth of the matter. Be an accuser. Be a punisher. Climate alarm and carbon-blaming is a theft scheme, a fraud, a scam, … Continue reading

Posted in Jurisprudence, Lawfare, The War for America, Uncategorized, Worldview | Leave a comment

Israeli and World Geography

I offer this small geographic note to any among my legion of fans who might for whatever reason find themselves in a friendly, open, intellectual exchange regarding the country of Israel and its future. I ask that you begin your … Continue reading

Posted in Clausewitz Sucks, Conflict Geography, Conflict Geography, Culture, Geography, Jurisprudence, Lawfare, Strategy, The 2024 Elections, The War for America, Uncategorized, Worldview | 5 Comments

On the War for America in 2025

Tip to Citizen Free Press and X. (8) End Wokeness on X: “All hell breaks loose at an airport in Paris as illegals try to stop a deportation:” / X ( The video purportedly shows a group of illegals … Continue reading

Posted in Conflict Geography, The War for America, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Things Are Messed Up

A couple of news items drag me in today. One is the cargo ship hitting Key Bridge in Baltimore.  Not all details in yet, but already easy to compare to the Ukrainians (with our help I assume) trying time after … Continue reading

Posted in Culture, Strategy, The War for America, Uncategorized, Worldview | 1 Comment