Author Archives: Holmes Oliver

Let’s Talk about “The Press”

On the Long Prompts page, I’ll put a conversation I recently had with ChatGPT about the press. I’m pretty sure, after donning a small hat over my little Constitutional Scholar brain thing, that “of the press” refers to a category … Continue reading

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Deep State Passive Voice

Annoying as hell, the passive voice as an impunity finesse might seem like one of those tiny constant bothers, like the Do Not Disturb tag constantly falling off the room lever. It is not a good thing, but it can … Continue reading

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Maybe Ignorant

OK, today, Geoff Demarest made an idle comment on the Willy OAM site Russian Troops Tunnel Under UA Lines – CRITICAL Area Under THREAT – Ukraine War Map Update News ( Here is what he posted: “Great job, again, Willy. … Continue reading

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PoliSci Sucks

Political Science is a detrimental academic discipline. Many reasons why, so let’s start cataloging the ways. Maybe we can together destroy PoliSci and make every good person who has a PoliSci degree feel ashamed and want desperately to go replace … Continue reading

Posted in Clausewitz Sucks, Culture, The War for America, Worldview | Leave a comment

Happy Independence

Hope you all had a happy, celebratory, hopeful 4th of July. We sang America the Beautiful in church last weekend and it was poignant more than I can remember it ever being. At Ace of Spades HQ, WeirdDave had “asked … Continue reading

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A lot has been going on, so this is a catch-up sprint post. It’s ‘Post Debate’ because so many people seem to think the political landscape has changed since the Thursday-night massacre. A lot else happened this week, including the … Continue reading

Posted in Conflict Geography, Jurisprudence, Lawfare, Strategy, The 2024 Elections, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Attrition Warfare

Willy OAM, who has a popular website discussing the Ukraine war, often say something like, “According to attrition warfare doctrine…” Could anyone out there remind me where such doctrine is written down or who is the supposed attrition warfare guru? … Continue reading

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Morale and Capacity to Fight

Even the dullest ends-ways-means strategerist admits the basic wisdom of balancing one’s capacity to fight with whatever he wants to do and how. There is no separate section on capacity to fight in On Multiform War, but maybe in the … Continue reading

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It is Democratic to Vote Democratic?

It seems that just now the question of whether the United States is a democracy has come to the public conversational fore. I think that’s great, as any among you who for whatever sad reason might have read what I’ve … Continue reading

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Matt Taibbi, Walter Kirn and Fyodor Dostoevsky Walk into a Bar

Nah, no punchline. In Mother Russia, joke make you. Taibbi and Kirn host a show called ‘America This Week’ on substack. Back on June 9th, the title of their discussion was “The Grand Inquisitor” by Fyodor Dostoevsky. It’s a stand-alone … Continue reading

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