Here’s a headline from ‘Natural News” aggregated in Citizen Free Press — Ukraine Petitions Council of Europe to Cancel Elections, Suspend Human Rights Protections in Order to “Stop Russia”
Folks, I can’t help but think that this suspension of rights thing is more of a reason for the war than it is a response to the Russian invasion. Unfortunate that the headline says, ‘Ukraine Petitions’ instead of ‘The Zelensky Regime Petitions.’ Ukraine does not do or ask for anything. If this petition were to be granted, it would certainly underline that there is no Ukraine in a polity sense. It would be a big tell. But regardless of what said council-contraption grants or doesn’t, why suppose or concede that the Council of Europe is at all ethical or legitimate such as to form and give an opinion that matters whit about anything at all? AmIwrong?
There is a song, “There will always be an England.” These days, the geographical area referred to is seriously multicultural, so one has to ask what the definition of that England that will always be. And we could compose a ditty, “Ukraine will always be a democracy,” and of course, we would then have to define what that “democracy” is. I think it is proper to refer to the eternal Sage, Confucius, and his instructive, “Rectification of Names.”
“If language is not correct then what is said is not what is meant.
If what is said is not what is meant, then what ought to be done remains undone.
If this remains undone, then morals and acts deteriorate.
If morals and acts deteriorate, justice will go astray.
If justice goes astray, the people will stand about in helpless confusion.
Hence, there must be no arbitrariness in what is said.
This matters above everything.”
So what is democracy, specifically Ukrainian democracy with a head of state that remains in the chair but has exceeded his expiration date? I am reminded that Adolph of the short mustache awarded “Honorary Aryan” status to those he liked and served him well but were of another category. (Perhaps Volodymyr has such an Ahnenpass issued by the Azov Battalion). I kinda think we are, and have been for a very long time, likewise awarding the status of a “democracy” to Ukraine, which is more a de-Mock-racy, and a cash cow for the illegitimati of that benighted land and the offspring of the Washington swamp.