The map will be built to tell where the war is. Below are some undeveloped ideas for layers. Any ideas?
Deportation events
Deportation facilities;
Deportation sanctuary zones (definition?);
Attacks on Christian Churches;
Attacks on food processing and distribution points;
Attacks on energy production nodes;
Attacks on other infrastructure;
Organized arson events;
Counties with over 70% Democrat voting experience;
Counties with under 35% Democrat voting experience;
Census layers;
Counties with over x/1000 population per square mile;
Counties w under x/1000 population per square mile;
Impunity chains (yeah, I have to figure out what I mean by this, but I think something like a place with a sheriff, DA, judges and political leaders all of the same party and funded by WEFsters.);
Police per 1000 under x;
Major bridges;
Main hydrocarbon pipelines;
Federal court buildings;
Public shooting ranges;
Percentage of school-age children in other than public schools over x%;
Number of hard-drug users attended by social services;
Attacks on Police Officers;
Land owned by foreign entities.
Quite a good idea. States, cities and towns run by the two major parties (Red/Blue). Cities and urban areas taken by rioters and burned during the “summer of fire” in 2020 (Catherine Austin Fitts has some rather interesting analyses on this). States in which there are school voucher systems in place. Percentiles of home schooling by areas, if that information is even available. Layers related to gun laws. Homicides. Abortions. Locations of churches (one day in North Carolina I was perusing the Saturday edition of the local newspaper and decided to count the number of churches listed on the Faith Pages, in Fayetteville there were at that moment 273.) Layers for tax rates. Layers for homeless. Sanctuary cities. And of course, density of semaphores dedicated to virtue signalling (just joking… I think).
tip to Citizen Free Press. Bloomberg has an article titled “This Is Where New Migrants Are Going When They Reach the US” It has in it a map sourced to Department of Justice EOIR case data, released after FOIA requests by TRAC at Syracuse University. It is an estimate map of where the illegal immigrants have been going. Some other interesting charts. Here is the URL