The World is Changing Fast

The British are losing Britain. Not sure that Nigel Farage can do anything about it soon enough. It might be time, what with new eyes and a fresh start just ahead of us, to consider the potential long-term effects of either maintaining or closing American airfields in Britain. Also, it is time to re-evaluate Britain’s control of various strategic points and islands around the world. If Britain is no longer British, we might have to appreciate and change control over certain strategic pieces. We cannot leave to inertia, chance and vacuum all the remnants of empire past. There are places — I dunno — the Falklands, Diego Garcia, Gibraltar … etc., etc. that need new analysis in terms of American national strategy, especially if American national strategy is still tie to protection of global commons and open commerce. I think a starting hypothesis in all such analysis would be that we need a more powerful navy, and that we need Taiwan to be ally of the United States, wholly independent of Red China.

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